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Dear Diary — news

Easing PMS Naturally: 5 Superfoods to Soothe Your Symptoms

While PMS is a natural part of the menstrual cycle for many women, it doesn't have to disrupt your life. By incorporating these nutrient-rich foods into your diet, you can help alleviate symptoms and nourish your body from the inside out. Remember to listen to your body and experiment with different foods to find what works best for you. With a little bit of planning and mindful eating, you can find relief and feel your best throughout the month.

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Let's Talk About Endometriosis: Understanding, Symptoms, and Support

Let's continue the conversation about endometriosis, bringing this often silent struggle into the spotlight. By understanding the condition, recognizing its symptoms, and offering support to those affected, we can work together to improve the lives of individuals with endometriosis. Remember, compassion and awareness are powerful tools in creating a more supportive and understanding world for everyone.

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Sustainability & Skincare - A Breakdown Of Beauty Jargon

As seen previously, a growing number of Australians are adopting a more natural lifestyle, while also becoming more aware of how our decisions affect the environment in which we live. From beauty to menstrual products, sustainability seems to pave the way ahead. Natural beauty products are preferred by around half of Australia’s female beauty consumers. The beauty industry, however, is rife with jargon. So, to assist you in navigating some of it, here's a breakdown of the most regularly used terms: Free radicals Free radicals are ions or molecules that react chemically with our skin cells. They attach and bind to other molecules, causing the chemical structure to change, in turn damaging them. Thankfully, we've evolved vital defences such as...

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Zero Waste & Sustainable Homes (Part 1)

Municipalities were the only ones debating the phrase “Zero Waste” a decade ago. But in today’s age of sustainable living, "zero waste" is a popular buzzword. Let’s look at what exactly it implies, and how it can be achieved at home.  Adopting ‘Earth Happy’ Habits It takes some getting used to the idea of living completely waste-free, because our modern lifestyles continuously demand that we focus our attention on consuming for the sake of consuming. We have forgotten many of the vital responsibilities in life because of this continuous cycle of consumerism. Living without waste does not require you to forego life's comforts; it simply necessitates a more conscientious approach to your purchasing decisions. You'll be doing yourself a favour...

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Toxic Shock Syndrome (Part 1) – What You Need To Know

TSS (Toxic Shock Syndrome) is a disorder caused by bacterial toxins (pathogen Staphylococcus aureus) that is commonly connected with menstruation products. But it can be contracted by both men and women through a variety of routes. TSS can result in death or amputation of limbs in some extreme circumstances. The Main Culprit – Tampons Tampons have been a major source of TSS for decades, but the peak of TSS cases occurred in the 1970s, when Proctor and Gamble's "Rely" ultra absorbent tampon caused multiple deaths. Although this tampon was withdrawn from the market, incidences involving both proper and improper tampon usage continue to be reported. Tampon users are advised to follow the manufacturer's recommendations, avoid bleached tampons or ones made...

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