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Dear Diary

2 Sustainable Ways To Greet Aunt Flow Every Month

Aunt Flo isn't always a welcome guest, but like it or not, she's here to stay. Fortunately, we live in a world where there are more period products available than ever before. No longer do we have to depend on lamb skins or rubber pantaloons. But, with so many options available, how do women know which product is best for them? When determining the ideal product for your health and lifestyle, there are numerous aspects to consider: Level of physical activity Cost Sustainability - Reusable or disposable? Usability Time efficiency – How long can the product be worn before it needs to be changed or cleaned? And the list goes on. Here is some useful information about two popular menstrual...

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Why Women With Endometriosis Should Consider Using Period Underwear

Endometriosis is a prevalent condition in women that causes significant discomfort and infertility. And, in most cases, it frequently stays untreated for many years. This is a condition wherein tissue identical to the lining of the endometrium (which normally lines the uterus) is discovered in atypical places across the body, most commonly the pelvis. This causes a variety of problems including pelvic pain and potential infertility. During a normal menstrual cycle, shedding from the uterine walls can exit through the vagina, but in endometriosis, this tissue has no method of leaving the body. Endometriosis is characterised by painful and heavy periods, and many women find it too difficult to use traditional period products like tampons, for some or all of their cycle. Enter period-proof...

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What Most People Get Wrong About The Menstrual Cup

  Because a menstrual cup has to be inserted into the vagina, there have been some long-standing concerns about its use. Today, let’s take a look at 5 common misconceptions about using the menstrual cup:  It Is Difficult To Insert & Take Out The most common misunderstanding regarding menstrual cups is that they are difficult to insert. This is not true. When properly placed, they form a vacuum seal and there is no need to be concerned about leaking. If you're having trouble inserting your period cup, here are 3 simple steps to follow: Clean your hands. Fold and secure (one of the most common ways to fold a menstrual cup is a push down-fold). Place the folded cup in...

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Femino Period Underwear – Wash & Care Guide

It might be difficult enough to deal with menstruation without having to worry about the aftermath. Fortunately, wearing period underwear simplifies a lot of things. If you've already made the wise decision to use period underwear instead of tampons or pads, you understand the importance of investing in long-lasting items. If you've chosen the Femino Period underwear, you're probably aware that it can last up to two years without losing absorbency or quality if properly cared for. Here are the simple steps to keep maintain your Femino briefs in their best condition: Step 1: Pre-Wash To reduce lasting stains on your period underwear, we recommend rinsing or lightly scrubbing them with soap and water before placing them in the washing machine....

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Heavy Flow - Here's Why Femino's Period Underwear is right for you!

Period underwear for heavy flow, is an ideal solution. DON’T THINK underwear could change your life? When you bleed into a pair that is meant to soak up menstrual blood without leaking – life could seem quite different!   Period panties work well for women who suffer from heavy periods that cause leakage in other menstrual products. But How Exactly Do Period Briefs Work? Moisture-wicking materials with antimicrobial characteristics are used to make Femino’s Period Briefs. These features aid in the leak-proofing of said brief, and they also help in controlling odour – the one reason you may have resisted using pads more frequently.  The nicest aspect about period underwear is that it is washable and reusable, which is a big selling point. That...

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