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Vaginal Discharge (Part 2) ~ True Care

In this blog we will be picking up where we left off the last time around. Let’s end the series with some tips on period care as far as vaginal discharge is concerned.

Tracking Ovulation Using Vaginal Discharge

Getting to know your discharge is key. In a nutshell, your cervix generates more mucus before ovulation, which seems thinner, whereas the mucus thickens and decreases after ovulation. Also understand that a variety of external factors, such as medicine, period products, and lubricant use, can change the appearance of your cervical mucus.

Tips For Self-care

To reduce your risk of having abnormal vaginal discharge, practice good personal hygiene. What we mean is, make sure you are washing your vulva and the outside of the vagina daily. Avoid douches where you are washing inside the vagina because this changes the pH and causes bacterial vaginosis. Avoid perfumed soaps, bubble baths, vaginal deodorant and even feminine wipes. All of these increase your chance for that grey discharge associated with having bacterial vaginosis.

This may be basic, but when you are done peeing wipe front to back. Otherwise, you may transfer the bacteria from the anus to the vagina- that can also give you abnormal vaginal discharge. Practice safe sex. Protect yourself from an STIs by using a condom. Wear cotton underwear. Synthetic underwear is more associated with sweating and moisture and that can encourage the growth of certain bacteria or yeast.

You can reduce the risk of abnormal discharge if you wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and antibacterial soap before removing or inserting your menstrual cup. Before inserting your Femino cup, clean it as directed. To aid in insertion, put a little amount of water or water-based lubrication to the outside of the cup.

When Should I Pay The Doctor A Visit?

If you're too concerned, don’t be. Your body will let you know.

If your discharge changes significantly in colour, consistency, amount, or smell, you might want to schedule an appointment with your gynaecologist. If your discharge is accompanied by any of the following symptoms or indicators, make an appointment without delay:

  • itching
  • pain
  • burning while peeing
  • a strong, foul stench
  • frothy texture / thick, cottage cheese texture
  • vaginal bleeding / bleeding that isn't related to your period
  • grey colour

If you've never had intercourse, issues, such as gonorrhoea or chlamydia, can be eliminated. If you can't pinpoint a cause or are unclear of your health status, it's always a good idea to book a check-up.

In Closing

Vaginal discharge is quite amazing, even if you don't always think of it that way. Healthy discharge keeps the vaginal area clean, lubricated & protects against infections. It varies depending on what your body requires. For example, discharge thickens before ovulation to aid sperm in their travel to the egg and increases during intercourse to prevent discomfort and irritation. It's also crucial to remember that vaginal discharge comes in multiple shades and amounts, varying from person to person.

Your vaginal discharge is an indication of your overall health. Keep an eye out for any discharge that comes on suddenly, as this could indicate an infection or sickness. 

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