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Sustainability Starts At Home

What does sustainability in your home truly mean? We will be unpacking the answer to this question today.

There are numerous ways to do this through every industry, every problem, and anything you purchase, use, or discard on a regular basis. And no, you don't have to do a complete overhaul; you definitely don't have to replace perfectly good/functional items with more "sustainable" alternatives. A lifestyle change, rather than a crash diet approach, is needed to live a more sustainable life.

If you’re scratching your head wondering what all the “living a sustainable lifestyle” hype is about, and why it's so significant - start by considering the following benefits:
-Being able to sustain yourself in some aspects of life indicates that you are not depleting earth’s already diminishing resources
-By “going green” or learning how to produce more of your own goods at home, you reduce the likelihood of toxic chemicals being found in the products your family uses
-Learning to live sustainably almost always results in savings- both in terms of finances and, owing to the low waste being produced, the environment
- There are valuable lessons to be learned while living sustainably. Every time you take a step toward sustainability, your personal skills and knowledge base expand

Here are 5 ways you can advance the sustainable revolution from the comfort of your home:

 Say Goodbye To Plastic

Shampoo, conditioner, and soap bottles account for more than 100 billion single-use plastic bottles in circulation worldwide. Switching to glass or clay from plastic is an easy eco-win, so is tossing out your plastic toothbrush and switching to a compostable bamboo version. If you are ready to move away from disposable pads completely, try out a menstrual cup.

Home Growing & Composting

You can grow your own produce at home no matter the size of your house, apartment, windowsill, ledge, patio, doorstep, or balcony! A plastic pot, a handful of dirt, a splash of water, and a burst of sunlight are all you need.

Composting is one of the most efficient methods for reducing the amount of waste sent from your home to the landfills. Methane is produced by rotting food in landfills, which is 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas.

The Upside To Upcycling

You'd be surprised by how much stuff you have around the house that can be repurposed!

The possibilities are as infinite as your imagination, whether it's converting old light bulbs into candles, bottles into funky lanterns, paper clips into cable management devices, or utilizing old but airtight jam, pasta sauce, and honey jars for storing, pickling, and preserving just about everything!

Stop buying fast fashion

These low-cost garments are made with toxic materials. Plastic is found in 60% of all new clothing, making it impossible for it to decompose in landfills. Long after you're gone, your holiday Tshirt will still be in one piece in the landfill. Think about that.

Buy Organic & Pay Attention To Labels

Coffee lovers should look for “shade-grown” coffee, which is grown in a way that preserves forest habitats for migratory birds and other wildlife. When possible, buy Fair Trade certified products to support companies that are committed to sustainable production and paying workers a fair wage.
If you believe that your food should be nutritious, that it should not deplete the environment, and that you should respect animal rights, then consider shopping organic as much as possible.

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